Wednesday, January 17, 2007

First My Yo Yo's :) Woo Hoo I have 289 done so far :)

Second a Spiral Scarf for Mil made from left over yarn Lion Brand Homespun (dark purple) and TLC Amore (pink)

This is a scrap scarf I made from little pieces of yarn that i tied together. The pattern was really simple. I started with a chain to the thickness that I wanted it Plus an extra 3 chains (counts as first DC). Row 1: in the 4th chain from the hook DC, DC in next chain, *chain 1, Skip 1 chain and DC in the next chain* repeat from * to * across with 1 chain remaining and DC in the last chain.
Row 2: Turn, Chain 4 (counts as first DC and chain 1), *Skip 1st stitch, DC in next stitch, chain 1*, repeat from * to * across DC in last DC. Row 3: Turn, Chain 3 (counts as first DC) *DC in next stitch, Chain 1, Skip 1 DC*, Repeat from * to * across 1 DC in each of last 2 DC's. Repeat rows 2 and 3 until you reach your desired length and bind off and weave in ends.

This is a scarf I made for myself. I found the idea in a post on Craftster. All it is, is a bunch of long pieces of yarn that i knotted together and then braided and knotted at the other end. Really simple Only took maybe a half hr to make :)

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