Sunday, August 27, 2006

Here are some pics from Jadyn's birthday party.

Eating Cake


Dawn, Kenzi and Gavin blowing up balloons

This is from Gavin's first day of school. Shortly after this he threw a huge tantrum because he was in the wrong room. So this was the only picture we got :(

And heres my little crafty boy making some bracelets :)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I forgot to take a picture of the red white and blue afghan finished before I sent it to my friend :( But heres the poncho I made for her:

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm really bad at this whole "blogging" thing. I made a really cute scarf and hat for one of Gavin's girl friends and didn't get a picture before I gave it to her :( Oh well. I'm working on a few blankies for my friends mom to give at baby showers.

This one is pretty much done. I just need to weave in a "few" ends.

This one I just started the other day. i really love the colors :)

I also need to make a poncho and finish up a blanket I started at the begining of the summer. And then theres the bag for the Happy Hooker chain gang along ... and I wonder why I have such a hard time remembering to blog lol.